Double click the button to edit the text to say ‘Sign In’.Ģ. Drag the button onto the view, next to the text field. Select the + icon in the top right again and search for a Button. Show the Attributes inspector and edit the Placeholder to say ‘User ID’. Drag it into the top center half of the view. Select the + icon in the top right and search for a Text Field. When you select the Main.storyboard file, you should see the View Controller Scene by default. In Main.storyboard, add a text field for entering the user id and a sign-in button.ġ. Comment out the placeholder text ‘code’ since we will implement this function a bit later. Select Fix to automatically add the SendBirdCallDelegate protocol to the AppDelegate that implements the didStartRinging(_ call: DirectCall) function. Xcode may show you a warning that Argument type ‘AppDelegate’ does not conform to expected type ‘SendBirdCallDelegate’, followed by a ‘Fix’ option. Do this by adding your Sendbird application ID and configuring Sendbird Calls for your app.
In the AppDelegate.swift file, import Sendbird Calls and update the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method.

This will make it possible to build and run the app later.ģ. For this tutorial, you can skip adding any background mode operations.Īfter installation and SDK configuration, be sure to close any current Xcode sessions and use the `ScreenShare.xcworkspace` file for this project from now on.

This will walk you through all of the SDK installation and ist file configuration necessary for this application to enable the microphone and camera. Follow the Getting started and Configuring the application for the SDK sections on the Sendbird Calls iOS SDK Readme.md page on GitHub. Xcode will automatically create your application with the AppDelegate.swift, ViewController.swift, and the Main.storyboard files that we will be editing in this tutorial.Ģ. Name your app ScreenShare, set the Interface to Storyboard, and select Swift as the language: Create a new Xcode app, configure and import Sendbird Calls